We had to name the pot we were making Oregin in. It wasn’t a need as much as it was a
We had to name the pot we were making Oregin in. It wasn’t a need as much as it was a feeling
But what could we name it that depicted the deliciousness of what we had made, the innovation that had got us here and the secret sauce we had concocted and was a culmination of a long pursued dream.
Also we needed it to represent our roots, our values, as children of the soil and lovers of nature’s bounty.
And then one day it came to us - seven ingredients in an ambrosia like drink, the only one made from citrus juice - let’s call it “Saptras”. We basically made up a word, our own word.
And then in this land of Goa, we came across a really cool story about an incarnation of Shiva called “Saptakoteshwar”, and we decided the pot was blessed!
Having wandered into the land of the mystical, let's come back to the practical which is the home of “saptras”, Rhea distilleries.
At Rhea the goal is to make the top most quality spirits with the finest ingredients, our own speciality spirits are Malt spirit, Grape spirit and cane spirits.
Rhea has received some prestigious awards in international wine and spirits competitions, such as
- The silver at San Francisco world spirits competition for Fidalgo
- Gold rum silver medal at IWSC
- Rhea heritage silver outstanding at IWSC
- Gold rum silver medal at the World Best Rum Award
Given how committed we are to the quality of the gin and the fact that we are about walking the talk, we’re also very particular about …
Lab Tests for OG
As a part of this industry, alcohol consumption is literally “work” for us. And as exciting as that may sound, it leads to health concerns for those of us who are conscientious. While making OreGin, a primary concern was to ensure that the drink is as healthy as possible while also being delicious and enjoyable.
We regularly get samples of our product tested and amongst other indicators take pride in ensuring that the level of fat, sugar and cholesterol content are below the quantifying limit. Which means they are so negligible that they cannot be measured.
In addition, we have ensured that the flavor profile of OreGin is such that it can be consumed without any sugary additives. In fact we recommend plain water, soda or just ice depending on your tastes to really savor the OG drinking experience.